2000: Faust: Live at The Garage
Private Release. Recorded live at The Garage, London, 2nd Dec 1996. Thanks to Fabio for the scan and track listing.
Images: The Garage, London: Leaflet
Images: The Garage, London
Released: | 2000 |
Recorded: | 1996 |
| Werner Diermaier | Drums | aka Zappi |
Produced: | Hans Joachim Irmler | Organ, Electronics | |
| Steven Wray Lobdell | Guitar | |
| Jean Hervé Péron | Bass, Vocals | |
* | Hurricane | 8.46 | |
| live at the Garage, London 1 Dec 1996 |
* | Hurricane | 7.04 | |
| live at the Garage, London 2 Dec 1996 |
* | Voices | 1.57 | |
| live at the Garage, London 2 Dec 1996 |
 | Hailstorm | 4.54 | |
| live at the Garage, London 2 Dec 1996 |
* | Hello London | 3.17 | |
* | Der Baum | 4.17 | |
| live at the Garage, London 2 Dec 1996 |
* | Chère Chambre | 2.01 | |
| (aka Viel Obst, Viel Obst) | |
| live at the Garage, London 2 Dec 1996 |
* | Flashback Caruso | 4.27 | |
| (aka Silver Machine / Flashback Caruso, Caruso, Caruso) | |
| live at the Garage, London 2 Dec 1996 |
* | Pythagoras | 8.27 | |
| (aka Noizes From Pythagoras, Kisses for Pythagoras, Pythagoras Legacy) | |
| Live at The Garage, London 1996 |
* | Untitled | 7.03 | |
* | Monsieur Piquette | 4.48 | |
| live at the Garage, London 2 Dec 1996 |
* | The Sad Skinhead | 7.07 | |
| (aka The Sad Skin, The Sad Skinhead (Alt), Sad Skin Two, Sad Skin, Fast Head) | |
| live at the Garage, London 2 Dec 1996 |
* | J'ai Mal Aux Dents | 4.09 | |
| (aka Party 2, Schempal Buddah, Schempal, Schempal Buddha) | |
| live at the Garage, London 2 Dec 1996 |
Der Baum
See her sitting on her chair
when she stops kissing i know she won't care
he opened the door, turned on
the light and it hurt my eyes
taking the kids to bed
they're crying so loud they're breaking my head
see her lying on the grass
must be a nice feeling for her ass
the wind has come
so the leaves, they are gone
feeling like a tree today
and it's a nice feeling, yeah
the wind has come now
so the leaves, they're gone
because the wind has come
see her lying in her bed
must be a nice feeling for her head
Chère Chambre
La vie semblait s'être arrêté là devant le
spectacle muet d'un lendemain d'orgie
deux hirondelles s'étaient depuis
longtemps installées, leur caca clapotant se
desséchait. seul triste, river ne pensait
qu'à penser. de tout facon, comme il disait
lui... et s'était une phrase toujours
interompue. un êclair soudain devait le
saisir. ses mains cherchaient un motif, une
sympathie, n'importe quoi, de la douceur...
depuis toujours et jamias on ne disait
toujours sans songer à l'aube du jour ou le
vent, chaud sons corps, fou ses espoirs et
avec charme il se masturber comme
personne ne pouvait le faire, chaque
mouvement était alors un pas de plus vers
elle. une poignée de coton hydrophile est
un chapeau sur la tête de Kerstin. j'ai senti
tout à coup que le choc était plus que
probable, je n'étais pas supris, je n'avais
pas peur. Rudolf avait freiné trop fortement
et comme il ne conduit pas au même
tempo que les villois... j'étais même curieux
intéressé par les mouvements de la voiture
le paysage évolue dans une autre
dimension. le code de la route est alors
impuissant et dérisoire: la voiture va où elle
doit aller sans respecter les divers
obstacles qui sont ou ne sont pas là ou
ailleurs choc sourd et décevant
accélération centrifuge et tout redevient
normal, normal et amusant. le système de
notre civilisation se montre et tombe très
vite dans l'éfficace inhumain. il y a quand
même le moment ou les deux chauffeurs
males communiquent. tout devient male
Coup de foudre
Kerzen, Tomatensaft
2 * 150 gramm Rindfleisch
Viel Obst, viel Obst, viel Obst
Was zum trinken
Brot, Margarine
Chère chambre tu m'as longtemps regardé
quand j'étais nu sur le lit, quand je restais
sans rien dire, longtemps. tu dois me
connaître maintenant. j'ai vu le monde à
travers les trois yeux. j'ai vécu dans ton
sein, tous mes instants vides, blancs, nuit
yeux ouverts sur des pensées sans fin qui à
force de se retourner perdent ainsi leur
sens, toutes mes humeurs et mes envies
mon échec solitaire quand je peinds si
longtemps chaque matin à grande peine et
sagement. tu dois me comprendre
parceque toi non plus, ta femme quand ca
claque porte, tes coins où passe le vent et
le froid et la catastrophe, quand tu veux
dire que tu ne sais pas. je les connais, je
les ai observés. toi aussi tu t'es ennuyée
ma chambre. maintenent tout à changer.
est-ce-qu'un sentiment trop fort encoumbre
le paysage. il est si tenu et très
transportable. je m'en serts souvent et
beaucoup l'accepte. je vois aussi que
certaines humeurs se répétent éspacées de
plusiers années.
nous devons peut-être accorder nos passés?
Life seemed to have stopped there in front of the dumb spectacle of the day after an orgy,
two swallows had settled for a long time and their excrements dried.
Alone and sad, River just thought of thinking,
in any way as he said,
and it was a sentence always interrupted.
A sudden flash was to seize him.
His hands sought a motive, a sympathy, whatever, tenderness ...
Since always,
and never did one say always without thinking of dawn or of the wind,
his body hot, his hopes distorted
and with charm he masturbated like nobody could do it,
each movement was one more step towards her.
A fistful of hydrophile cotton is a hat on Kerstin's head.
I suddenly felt that the shock was more than likely,
I was not surprised, I was not afraid.
Rudolf had slowed down too hard and as he does not drive with the same speed as the citizens...
I was even curious, intrigued by the movements of the car,
the landscape evolves in another dimension
The highway code then is impotent and ridiculous:
the car goes where it must go without respecting the various obstacles which are or are not there or elsewhere.
Deaf and misleading shock.
Centrifugal acceleration, and all becomes normal again,
normal and amusing.
The system of our civilization shows
and falls very quickly into the inhuman effective.
Anyhow there is this moment when the two male drivers communicate.
All becomes male, sexless.
Candles, tomato juice, two times on hundred and fifty grams of beef;
Much fruit, much fruit, much fruit, much fruit, much fruit, something to drink;
bread, margarine.
Dear room,
you looked at me a long time when I was naked on the bed,
when I remained silent for a long time.
You must know to me by now.
I saw the world through your three eyes,
I have lived in your bosom.
All my empty white moments, nights with eyes open
on thoughts without end
and which by turning over lose direction.
All of my moods and my desires,
my solitary failure,
when I paint for such a long time each morning with so much pain and wisely.
You have to understand me because neither you,
your wife when the door claps,
your corners where the wind and the cold and the catastrophe pass,
when do you want to say that you do not know.
I know them, I did observe them.
You were also bored, my room.
Now everything changed.
Does too strong a feeling encumber the landscape?
It is tense and very transportable.
I often make use of it and very much accept it.
I also see that certain moods repeat
that are several years apart.
Perhaps we have to connect our pasts?
Flashback Caruso
When you leave your place
and walk in someone others garden
suddenly you see
it's a warming colour in your mind to be
It's only a garden made of sandwich
marshmallows jumping around and smiling quiet
inside a stone of cream there is a language
bring our minds together, press them tight
The rainbow bridge sounds flashbacks of Caruso
beyond eleven dreams are dancing girls
for everything you feel there is a do so
your mind it is accepted, you are right
The Sad Skinhead
Apart from all the bad times you gave me
I always felt good with you
Going places, smashing faces
what else could we do?
Apart from all the good times I gave you
you always felt bad with me
Going places, smashing faces
what else could have happened to us?
J'ai Mal Aux Dents
J'ai mal aux dents!
j'ai mal aux pieds aussi!
This is a man hard working song
there is... no old dream
we practiced for years my friend
to get this machine screams
noise follows questions honey
the hero is a business bunny
if it means money
this is time maybe we do it without crime
because you are crying and i don't listen
because you are dying and i just whistle
that thing so anonymously today
and echoes of my laughter burn into your seven hour turn
The problem is not only pain
if time could be part of machine
you could pack it, see it's clean
you could roll the end to start
tomorrow skip my plastic heart
beating for a spacey blues
and you could hear it without shoes
It's been a nice (historic) role
first call the name and then the code
first call the code and then the name
i think it's still a funny game
Here we go sisters, here we go man
your home made connections
i do what i can
your tranquilliser body touch is very nice because
and i don't need you
makes you wait for the master because
i don't need you
and you sit on your chair with your distant care
this mind blowing freak
makes my mind very sick
and the seasons grow without your be active or die blow
say A.M. man, say A.M. woman's role
see the mind control is perfect
and you still have your daddy's smile
fences on the floor are not there
because you can't hide
you get your children, you get your car
what do you think how old you are
what do you think what people need
it's not that plastic, let it bleed
it's not that plastic honey don't
because you understand you won't
see your generation with their
TV on standby
j'ai mal aux pieds aussi!
Schempal Buddah
ship on a better sea!
Ed Pinsent: Live at The Garage
Thanks to Fabio for tracking down this review. There exists a bootleg recording of this concert, and also an official release available on cassette. |
The gods of chaos ruled for two nights. Wild and mysterious music plus action painting, a concrete mixer, a threshing machine, an engineer in arc-welding gear throwing out fountains of orange sparks. Faust are clearly able to play some of the most exciting avant-garde rock ever to enter the atmosphere, with an almost embarrassing facility, so why do they find it necessary to give themselves so many handicaps? No sooner was the musical performance beginning to warm up than everyone downed tools, and left the stage to perform sideshow antics; Jean-Hervé Péron stripped himself bare to attack a wall full of white master bags with his paint roller (these items were later used to sleeve the 12" record of their John Peel sessions, signed and numbered and sold at the gig for £20 a throw); and later he leaped into the audience to unveil the threshing machine which blew leaves and white muslim sheets all over the crowd, while that Faustian demon stood astride this machinery laughing like a madman. These events shouldn't dominate one's perception of the concert, yet these are the things everyone will remember. I felt they could have given the music more of a chance, as some of the performance struck me as excellent as anything they've committed to record. Supplemented by a very competent organ player and a guitarist who was occasionally permitted to let rip with some first-rate wah-wah induced solos, Jean-Hervé and Werner Diermaier left you in no doubt that they are the exhibitionist stars of Faust. The drummer this time cut a particularly impressive figure, three large toms upended before him like hideous steel canisters, a battered sheet of tin, a steel pipe held high above the head...all these were mercilessly pounded, while his aspect reminded me of nothing so much as the terrifying serial killer in Michael Mann's movie Manhunter - during a silent (apparently) segment, where he stood behind his battery of percussion and just glared at you. Other musical highlights included a rip-roaring Schempal Buddah (in response to audience demand), the use of a concrete mixer's engine as percussion track, a shimmering pearl of an acoustic guitar performance, and a bilingual ranting in French and German which generated that sense of panic and hysterical bewilderment that only Faust can deliver. The evening was not a complete loss then, but I wish it had felt less throwaway; they seem a lot more sure of themselves than at the Marquee gig, where Jean-Hervé had exhibited a child-like gratitude at being asked to play again, but there may be a downside to this new confidence. The 1996 model of Faust makes more knowing nods and winks at the audience ('You didn't recognise that song? It's a new one!') and also seems more equipped to make money out of us than before, not that I begrudge these mad geniuses a single penny.
Ed Pinsent, "Live at The Garage", The Sound Projector 1996, © The Sound Projector |
ref: The Sound Projector |
Andy Wilson: Rock Aktion Party
There exists a bootleg recording of this concert, and also an official release available on cassette. |
Faust played two nights at the Garage earlier this month. The first night, Sunday 1st December, was amazing anyway - lots of old and new music, Jean Hervé got naked to action-paint the sleeves of the Peel Sessions on sale that night, and an amazing sculpture was built in metal front of the stage, with grinders and torches adding to the overall sound.
But if Sunday was brilliant, Monday night was something else again. The first amazing thing about the night was that the best music was from the new album, you know faUSt - I hadn't heard the tracks before that night so I don't know all the titles, but watch out for Hurricane, Liebeswehen, Na Sowas and, a sort of updated Krautrock, Teutonentango.
If you are thinking of seeing Faust, or buying their new record, for reasons merely of loyalty, curiosity or nostalgia then forget about it - on Monday they showed that they are still right up there with anyone making music today. As you might expect with Faust, the sound shifted and changed throught the night. Jean Hervé read a Max Ernst poem, and there were AMM-moments of pure, sculpted noise. But the best of the night came with the new tracks, and here the sound fell somewhere into a space triangulated by Caspar Brotzman, Sonic Youth, and Jimi Hendrix. I know that the LMC were recording the Sunday show (plus I counted at least 5 people making videos), but if they recorded Monday too then everyone out there is in for a real treat.
I bought my first Faust record in the late 70's, and in all that time I had never seen them live. I expected confusion, mixed parts of enmity, abuse and adulation from the audience. Instead, by the end of the night people were just baying for more. Having heard Faust live I can only say that, as much as I love them, their records have rarely done them justice (the exceptions might be the first LP, It's a Rainy Day, Mamie is Blue, Jennifer, Picnic on a Frozen River, maybe a few other things, some of the Party Tapes, perhaps). Certainly, the Table of the Elements CD's fail to capture anything like the experience. One of the highpoints of the night was Steven Wray Lobdell on guitar, playing sheets of flanged noise across the rest of the sound (I don't know if Lobdell is only playing the concerts - he certainly isn't on the new CD), I hope he gets to play more in future.
The long and short of it is that Faust, twenty odd years down the line, are every bit as contemporary as they ever were. All those new groups you love, generally getting far more attention than these old hands, have alot of catching up to do. Thanks to Jean Hervé, Zappi, Joachim and Steven for, what was for me, the highpoint of twenty five years of listening to music.
Andy Wilson, "Rock Aktion Party", The Faust Pages 1996 |