2003: Faust: Abzu
Private Release. Four CD's in a spiral bound serrated black cover and semi-transparent and black slips. A record of the Faust 'Day in the Life' special presented by Andy Wilson and Ian Land for Resonance Radio, 4th August 2002. Combines live, rare and previously unreleased tracks as well as interviews with Chris Cutler and Jochen Irmler. Chris Cutler's interview is spread across disc A:III,VIII,XII,XVII,XXIV. The tracks B:1-1V recorded live at The Garage, London, 1996. B:V-VIII are solo tracks by Jochen Irmler. B:IXf is an interview recorded with Jochen especially for the Resonance show. Disc Z is made up of Keef Robert's Faust Redux project. U:VI-XV recorded live at Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT, USA, 5 May 1994. U:XVI is Ian Morrisson's Elektron (Coulomb Remix). No longer available.
Images: Abzu Box Set
Released: | 2003 |
Recorded: | 1971-2002 |
| Werner Diermaier | Drums | aka. Zappi |
| Hans-Joachim Irmler | Organ | |
| Steven Wray Lobdell | Guitar | |
| Arnulf Meifert | Drums | |
| Lars Paukstat | Percussion | |
| Jean-Hervé Péron | Bass | |
| Rudolf Sosna | Guitar and Keyboards | |
| Michael Stoll | Bass | |
| Gunter Wüsthoff | Synthesiser and Sax | |
Disc A: 1990 and Beyond
* | Resonance Station Tag 1 | 2.19 | |
* | Stadtluft ** | 4.21 | |
* | Chris Cutler: The German Group | | |
 | Right Between Yr Eyes | 2.45 | |
 | Liebeswehen 2 | 5.09 | |
| (aka Liebeswehen) | |
* | Resonance Station Tag 2 | 0.49 | |
* | Mikrowaves | 2.20 | |
* | Chris Cutler: On Stage | | |
* | Magic Brew | 3.40 | |
* | R BE YR EY II | 3.09 | |
 | Matrosen (Shorty) ** | 1.30 | |
| (aka Das Lied Eines Matrosen) | |
* | Chris Cutler: A Bag of Fleas | | |
 | From the Upper Underworld (Little Ravvivando) ** | | |
* | Semi-Anonymous | | |
* | Resonance Station Tag 3 | 0.37 | |
 | Semi-Anonymous II | 8.21 | |
* | Chris Cutler: Turn it Up | | |
* | Rucklauf | | |
* | I Don't Buy | 3.14 | |
| Live |
* | Six to Eight | 3.53 | |
| live 2001 |
* | Resonance Station Tag 4 | 1.23 | |
* | The Faust Spot | | |
* | Tur Auf Dr Haid | | |
* | Chris Cutler: Faust Method | | |
 | Compilationstuck | 3.26 | |
* | BBC Guitar | | |
* | Electricity | | |
 | Cendre ** | 2.38 | |
| (aka Expecting S. in Love) | |
| Jean-Hervé Péron live at the LMC festival |
* | Nova | | |
Disc B: London and Beyond
 | Hailstorm | 4.54 | |
| live at the Garage, London 2 Dec 1996 |
* | Monsieur Piquette | 4.48 | |
| live at the Garage, London 2 Dec 1996 |
* | Hurricane | 7.04 | |
| live at the Garage, London 2 Dec 1996 |
* | J'ai Mal Aux Dents | 4.09 | |
| (aka Party 2, Schempal Buddah, Schempal, Schempal Buddha) | |
| live at the Garage, London 2 Dec 1996 |
 | Hans-Joachim Irmler: Roman Museum II | 8.38 | |
| (aka Roman Museum) | |
* | Hans-Joachim Irmler: Greetings From the Jungle | 8.25 | |
 | Hans-Joachim Irmler: Red Land | 5.39 | |
* | Hans-Joachim Irmler: Aim Ambience | 5.54 | |
 | Resonance Interview #1 | 13.53 | |
 | Resonance Interview #2 | 7.05 | |
 | Resonance Interview #3 | 0.20 | |
 | Resonance Interview #4 | 9.21 | |
 | Resonance Interview #5 | 8.48 | |
 | Resonance Interview #6 | 0.38 | |
Disc Z: Faust Redux (Keef Roberts)
 | Keef Roberts: Second Time Around | 4.39 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Dirk The Turtle Boy | 11.41 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Pete Dilemma | 0.59 | |
 | Keef Roberts: The Gift Horse Bites My Ass | 4.31 | |
 | Keef Roberts: The Jpurney of the Three Women | 1.28 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Wie Wir in Freiheit auf Greed Fuhren | 2.00 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Nobody of the Year | 2.04 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Kicks My Dick in the Dirt | 1.26 | |
 | Keef Roberts: East of the Equator | 2.37 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Just Like Sleeping Gas | 0.59 | |
 | Keef Roberts: I Could Swing For You | 2.23 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Groedipus | 4.35 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Plus Pas La Chance | 2.47 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Empty Cathedral | 2.39 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Lose Your Senses | 2.27 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Making Our Way To Kilimanjaro | 4.08 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Unsafe At Any Speed | 2.08 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Wir Sprachen Stunden... | 3.05 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Dude Rising | 1.27 | |
 | Keef Roberts: What's Hip and What Should Never Be | 1.44 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Cabbage Rock | 1.53 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Where Would We Be Without Herb Skirt? | 2.25 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Rayonnez Moi vers le Haut Scotty | 10.16 | |
 | Keef Roberts: Chevret Loopiz | 4.28 | |
Disc U: Wümme, Munic and Beyond
 | Sax Manipulation Room | 1.17 | |
| 1971 |
* | So Far (alternative) | 3.38 | |
| (aka So Far, Not Nearest By, Waiting for Eternity) | |
 | Wonderworld | 1.05 | |
| Munic 1975 |
 | Helinstor Shuffle ** | 3.39 | |
 | Zerrsounds | 1.36 | |
* | Mamie Is Blue | 6.19 | |
| (aka Baby is Blue, Baby is Blue) | |
| Live at Real Art Ways, Hartford, 5 May 1994 |
* | Viel Obst | 9.06 | |
| (aka Chère Chambre) | |
| Live at Real Art Ways, Hartford, 5 May 1994 |
* | Splattered (5 May 1994) | | |
* | Car Tu Seras Nu (5 May 1994) | | |
* | I've Got My Car And My TV | 6.33 | |
| (aka Car and TV) | |
| Live at Real Art Ways, Hartford, 5 May 1994 |
 | Listen to the Fish | 8.48 | |
| (aka Listen, Ecouter le Poisson, Zoe and Fish) | |
| Live at Real Artways, Hartford, 5th May 1994 |
* | The Sad Skinhead | 4.37 | |
| (aka The Sad Skin, The Sad Skinhead (Alt), Sad Skin Two, Sad Skin, Fast Head) | |
| Live at Real Art Ways, Hartford, 5 May 1994 |
* | Electronique (5 May 1994) | | |
* | Ex::cess | 4.42 | |
| (aka Excess...) | |
| Live at Real Art Ways, Hartford, 5 May 1994 |
* | Ian Morrisson: Elektron (Coulomb Remix) | | |
I Don't Buy
I don't buy
I don't buy
I don't buy
your shit no more
J'ai Mal Aux Dents
J'ai mal aux dents!
j'ai mal aux pieds aussi!
This is a man hard working song
there is... no old dream
we practiced for years my friend
to get this machine screams
noise follows questions honey
the hero is a business bunny
if it means money
this is time maybe we do it without crime
because you are crying and i don't listen
because you are dying and i just whistle
that thing so anonymously today
and echoes of my laughter burn into your seven hour turn
The problem is not only pain
if time could be part of machine
you could pack it, see it's clean
you could roll the end to start
tomorrow skip my plastic heart
beating for a spacey blues
and you could hear it without shoes
It's been a nice (historic) role
first call the name and then the code
first call the code and then the name
i think it's still a funny game
Here we go sisters, here we go man
your home made connections
i do what i can
your tranquilliser body touch is very nice because
and i don't need you
makes you wait for the master because
i don't need you
and you sit on your chair with your distant care
this mind blowing freak
makes my mind very sick
and the seasons grow without your be active or die blow
say A.M. man, say A.M. woman's role
see the mind control is perfect
and you still have your daddy's smile
fences on the floor are not there
because you can't hide
you get your children, you get your car
what do you think how old you are
what do you think what people need
it's not that plastic, let it bleed
it's not that plastic honey don't
because you understand you won't
see your generation with their
TV on standby
j'ai mal aux pieds aussi!
Schempal Buddah
ship on a better sea!
Mamie Is Blue
Mamie is blue
daddy is blue
and mamie is blue
and daddy is blue
and mamie is you
and mamie is you too
that's Kraut!
Chère Chambre
La vie semblait s'être arrêté là devant le
spectacle muet d'un lendemain d'orgie
deux hirondelles s'étaient depuis
longtemps installées, leur caca clapotant se
desséchait. seul triste, river ne pensait
qu'à penser. de tout facon, comme il disait
lui... et s'était une phrase toujours
interompue. un êclair soudain devait le
saisir. ses mains cherchaient un motif, une
sympathie, n'importe quoi, de la douceur...
depuis toujours et jamias on ne disait
toujours sans songer à l'aube du jour ou le
vent, chaud sons corps, fou ses espoirs et
avec charme il se masturber comme
personne ne pouvait le faire, chaque
mouvement était alors un pas de plus vers
elle. une poignée de coton hydrophile est
un chapeau sur la tête de Kerstin. j'ai senti
tout à coup que le choc était plus que
probable, je n'étais pas supris, je n'avais
pas peur. Rudolf avait freiné trop fortement
et comme il ne conduit pas au même
tempo que les villois... j'étais même curieux
intéressé par les mouvements de la voiture
le paysage évolue dans une autre
dimension. le code de la route est alors
impuissant et dérisoire: la voiture va où elle
doit aller sans respecter les divers
obstacles qui sont ou ne sont pas là ou
ailleurs choc sourd et décevant
accélération centrifuge et tout redevient
normal, normal et amusant. le système de
notre civilisation se montre et tombe très
vite dans l'éfficace inhumain. il y a quand
même le moment ou les deux chauffeurs
males communiquent. tout devient male
Coup de foudre
Kerzen, Tomatensaft
2 * 150 gramm Rindfleisch
Viel Obst, viel Obst, viel Obst
Was zum trinken
Brot, Margarine
Chère chambre tu m'as longtemps regardé
quand j'étais nu sur le lit, quand je restais
sans rien dire, longtemps. tu dois me
connaître maintenant. j'ai vu le monde à
travers les trois yeux. j'ai vécu dans ton
sein, tous mes instants vides, blancs, nuit
yeux ouverts sur des pensées sans fin qui à
force de se retourner perdent ainsi leur
sens, toutes mes humeurs et mes envies
mon échec solitaire quand je peinds si
longtemps chaque matin à grande peine et
sagement. tu dois me comprendre
parceque toi non plus, ta femme quand ca
claque porte, tes coins où passe le vent et
le froid et la catastrophe, quand tu veux
dire que tu ne sais pas. je les connais, je
les ai observés. toi aussi tu t'es ennuyée
ma chambre. maintenent tout à changer.
est-ce-qu'un sentiment trop fort encoumbre
le paysage. il est si tenu et très
transportable. je m'en serts souvent et
beaucoup l'accepte. je vois aussi que
certaines humeurs se répétent éspacées de
plusiers années.
nous devons peut-être accorder nos passés?
Life seemed to have stopped there in front of the dumb spectacle of the day after an orgy,
two swallows had settled for a long time and their excrements dried.
Alone and sad, River just thought of thinking,
in any way as he said,
and it was a sentence always interrupted.
A sudden flash was to seize him.
His hands sought a motive, a sympathy, whatever, tenderness ...
Since always,
and never did one say always without thinking of dawn or of the wind,
his body hot, his hopes distorted
and with charm he masturbated like nobody could do it,
each movement was one more step towards her.
A fistful of hydrophile cotton is a hat on Kerstin's head.
I suddenly felt that the shock was more than likely,
I was not surprised, I was not afraid.
Rudolf had slowed down too hard and as he does not drive with the same speed as the citizens...
I was even curious, intrigued by the movements of the car,
the landscape evolves in another dimension
The highway code then is impotent and ridiculous:
the car goes where it must go without respecting the various obstacles which are or are not there or elsewhere.
Deaf and misleading shock.
Centrifugal acceleration, and all becomes normal again,
normal and amusing.
The system of our civilization shows
and falls very quickly into the inhuman effective.
Anyhow there is this moment when the two male drivers communicate.
All becomes male, sexless.
Candles, tomato juice, two times on hundred and fifty grams of beef;
Much fruit, much fruit, much fruit, much fruit, much fruit, something to drink;
bread, margarine.
Dear room,
you looked at me a long time when I was naked on the bed,
when I remained silent for a long time.
You must know to me by now.
I saw the world through your three eyes,
I have lived in your bosom.
All my empty white moments, nights with eyes open
on thoughts without end
and which by turning over lose direction.
All of my moods and my desires,
my solitary failure,
when I paint for such a long time each morning with so much pain and wisely.
You have to understand me because neither you,
your wife when the door claps,
your corners where the wind and the cold and the catastrophe pass,
when do you want to say that you do not know.
I know them, I did observe them.
You were also bored, my room.
Now everything changed.
Does too strong a feeling encumber the landscape?
It is tense and very transportable.
I often make use of it and very much accept it.
I also see that certain moods repeat
that are several years apart.
Perhaps we have to connect our pasts?
I've Got My Car And My TV
I've got my car and my TV
what should I care about you and your fun?
I know what to do and do so
my clean machine's dream is a colourful gun
what should I care about...
what should I care about you?
Yesterday noon at the tea time
we held three hands close to the other side
suddenly there was a red cloud
a finger come out and said
those guys are right
what would you say
if this would just happen to you
The Sad Skinhead
Apart from all the bad times you gave me
I always felt good with you
Going places, smashing faces
what else could we do?
Apart from all the good times I gave you
you always felt bad with me
Going places, smashing faces
what else could have happened to us?