1996: Faust: Untitled
1996 | CD | Klangbad | |
| first release on Faust's Klangbad label |
Released: | 1996 |
Recorded: | 1974 - 1996 |
| Werner Diermaier | Drums | aka. Zappi |
| Hans-Joachim Irmler | Organ | |
Cover: | Thomas E. Martin | | |
| Jean-Hervé Péron | Bass | |
| Rudolf Sosna | Guitar and Keyboards | |
| Gunter Wüsthoff | Synthesiser and Sax | |
 | Not Nearest By | 5.37 | |
| (aka So Far, So Far (alternative), Waiting for Eternity) | |
| written 1972 / remixed 1996 |
* | Komm Mit ** | 4.19 | |
| (aka Baby) | |
| written 1972 / remixed 1996 |
 | A 70's Event | 11.49 | |
| (aka Krautrock, A 70's Event (edit), Kraut Rock) | |
| written 1973 / live 1974 / remixed 1996 |
* | Sad Skin Two | 2.32 | |
| (aka The Sad Skinhead, The Sad Skin, The Sad Skinhead (Alt), Sad Skin, Fast Head) | |
| written 1974 / live 1995 / remixed 1996 |
* | Expecting S. in Love ** | 3.14 | |
| (aka Cendre) | |
* | Fastened 60/60 ** | 1.15 | |
| (aka Sixty Sixty) | |
| written & performed 1996 |
aaa baby
are you coming to the cinema with me?
aaa baby
And after that we'll go for a meal
And after that we'll go dancing
And after that we'll go screwing
The Sad Skinhead
Apart from all the bad times you gave me
I always felt good with you
Going places, smashing faces
what else could we do?
Apart from all the good times I gave you
you always felt bad with me
Going places, smashing faces
what else could have happened to us?
Sixty Sixty
allez vas-y, droit devant
ouvres tes yeux ouvre ton coeur
regarde partout, mais jamais derriere
n'aie pas peur, ne t'arretes plus maintenant
vas-y, droit devant!
les odeurs,le vent, fou,
l'herbe cingle tes yeux jusqu au sang
mais te t'arretes pas,
vas-y continue, droit devant!
tes reves, tes espoirs te porteront
ton histoire ne fait que commencer tu sais,
le chemin n'est pas bien long
mais pour toi il s'etire sans fin dans l'inconnu,
dans l'inconnu, nu, nu, nu
tu es parti maintenant
ne pense plus a rien, laisse tout derriere,
fouine, chasse, retourne la terre,
le coeur haletant, les yeux grand ouvert,
cherche, cherche le bonheur
et s'il ne te vient pas.
eh bien, arrache-le, prends-le, vole-le
il n'y a plus de raison, il n'y a plus de droit,
il n'y a plus de valeur, il n'y a plus rien maintenant,
plus rien
que toi
Hans Joachim Irmler: Untitled Sleevenotes
We met 1969 for the first time in Hamburg in the 'sternschanzentunnel'. The rehersal room was a kind of narrow tube where we had to line up along the wall: Arnulf Meifert, Gunther Wüsthoff, Rudolf Sosna, Hans-Joachim Irmler, Jean-Hervé Péron and Werner 'Zappi' Diermaier.
Here we recorded our demo tape for the 'Deutsche Grammophon' which included stream-rams and live takes of manifestations. We were aiming for a situation where communal living and productive experiments could be combined. Uwe Nettelbeck was the go-between with the music industry.
We were hungry so each of got 1.000 DM to buy a meal in some cheap restaurant. Furthermore he organised an old schoolhouse somewhere in the sandy plains of Luneburg. There we lived together and the Deutsche Grammophon equipped us with a recording studio and a recording engineer (Kurt Graupner), day and night. A year later we were urged to complete the first LP.
Jean-Hervé and Zappi each had a dog. The other members refused to have breakfast together with the dogs. Therefore Jean-Hervé and Zappi built a hut where they lived with their dogs. This fact forced us to perform, against all expectations, our first concert, Autumn '71, Hamburg Musik Halle. We liked it very much although we didn't actually get to play.
As the dogs greatly reduced the number of chickens living in our vicinity we had to release the second LP. We didn't want to sell in Egypt only but in the UK. We completed the third LP. In 1973 we changed the record company to Virgin. This got us to tour through France and the UK. We even had to eat there. These circumstances had a great impact on our music.
We then moved to the UK and produced the fourth album at the Manor. After one year we couldn't stand it any longer so we moved to Münich to recover. There we recorded the fifth LP at the Arabella studio.
Hereafter we had children. Secretly we practiced.
Now - since 1990 - we are back and on : Zappi, Jochen and Jean Hervé. We released to live and one studio CD. We performed all over Europe and the USA - free and at ease.
Hans Joachim Irmler, "Untitled Sleevenotes", Klangbad 1996, © Klangbad |
Jeremy Rotsztain: Review
Faust, one of the greatest bands to come out of Germany in the 70's, did a fantastic job of terrorizing rock music. Twenty years later, they are back again, currently reduced to a three man line-up of Zappi Diermaier, Hans Joachim Imler, and Jean-Hervé Péron. The Untitled, CD, 6 tracks in all, features live & well-remixed songs along with new ones.
As usual, Faust make it difficult to determine which tracks are which, giving titles like A 70's Event to Krautrock (IV) and Komm mit to a untitled track off of the The Faust Tapes (the one with the chorus "you are the one to be me"). The first track, titled Not Nearest By, is an un-familiar masterpiece with deep bass rhythms, and dare I say "funky" horns (off of So Far). Fourth on the CD is a wonderful live 1995 version of the Sad Skin Head complete with strangely-enthusiastic vocals, concluded with the screaming of "shut up". Expecting S. In Love, one of the new tracks, is a sad, intricate, cliche acoustic piece with a bit of humming - it is almost a ballad without vocals. Fastened 60/60, another new one, includes a riff from you know faUSt's Cendre which is instead played electrically and instrumentally while being repeated over and over again. Untitled comes with a beautiful booklet (The Rachels band are going to have to try hard to keep up with Faust) containing a brief history of Faust taken from the forthcoming Faust book, a discography, some fantastic looking pictures with a direction theme, reviews, and a clip from a map key showing the word Faust located at 55.19 N and 115.38 W.
Jeremy Rotsztain, "Review", Freq 1997 |
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