Ravvivando :NMENME, Sep 1997
The formula is devilishly simple and maddeningly opaque; a harsh drumbeat stutters into motion and sinks low in the mix, crushed by a groan of distorted bass and the squeal of a... well, what the fuck is that, precisely? It could be an instrument, but those familiar with Faust's industrial stylings know that it's just as likely to be a powerdrill. Rhymeless and reasonless, Ravvivando's linear groove would become queasily circular, if it weren't for the playful Germanic nursery-rhymes of Dr Hansl that allow Faust their odd moment of self-mockery. Closing with T-Electronique, though, Ravvivando proves that it's more than a historical document. A primeval glacial pulse, it snatches the experimental baton back from the hands of Tortoise with assured ease. Good to see that the teachers have still got a few unexpected tricks up their sleeves. NME, "Ravvivando", NME 1997ref: NME |