it was a strange night in lucifer's front yard when the two drunken masters masami akita and william s. burroughs bumped into each other. both coming home from somewhat disillusioning record release partys of unspeakably bad bands. free booze, naked animals and the usual share of insecticide left the two in a really bad mood. after 666 pints of finish salmiakki they decided to fundamentally shock the extremely formated world of music with a new supergroup. akita brought up krautrock überväter faust, burroughs suggested the noisehop outfit dälek. a dozen band members were thrown into a tiny rotten shack without food and drinks for an entire week. the result is an album of painful noise, apocalyptic poetry, and harsh tribal drumming. suffer yourself with this limited exclusive pre-album 7" on lucifer's own label bomb mitte.
renate knaup-krötenschwanz said it best: who the fuck is amon düül?
lester bangs said it even better: i wish i'd still be alive to hear that.
lucifer said it the very best: hahaha!
hey, we got stickers...