Review of So FarSteve PeacockSounds, Jul 1972from the cover of The Faust TapesIn the search for a new approach to music, a new concept or at least a different eye on things, it seems to me people have been clutching rather wildly at straws. It's entirely understandable that, with the British music scene seemingly obsessed with its own and other peoples' past, with the vast explosion of the nouveau cliche, and very few people coming up with anything approaching originality of thought in their music, the seemingly rootless and unaccustomed sound of music Their second album, So Far, seems to have allayed both those reservations. But what really marks them out for me is their rare ability to be serious without being over-earnest - not a sense of humour exactly, but a sense of proportion. So far they haven't done any live gigs and they won't until they're absolutely sure they can make it work in concert the way it works in a studio. It's not so much perfectionism, as a feeling that there's no point in going out and playing something that isn't what they envisaged. Steve Peacock, "Review of So Far", Sounds 1972 |